A Team Week @ UP
In this space, I am here to share our experience of the most challenging event- QuadTorc 2018. The event held at garage1 race track in bjinor -Uttarpradesh on the month of October, 30+ teams from various part of the country participated in the event. Transportation is the primary challenge, Legion is the only team from Coimbatore and surroundings to participate in the event, so we have to haul our quad alone. It might not be a better idea to transport a single quad in a large truck, so we planned to haul the quad in 9 seater car by removing all the rear seats. Only quad to be transported by car and loading all the tools in the remaining space. Transportation get started 4 days before the zeroth. day(Registration and pit allocation) of the event. Second hardest thing is, only 5 member from our team reached the event on time remaining members and quad is late by a day. On the zeroth day we assembled few of the parts that were dismantled for transportation purpose.
On Day 1 and 2 all the static events was conducted. First challenge is DROP TEST. In DROP TEST, vehicle will be dropped from a height of 6 feet. First attempt is unsuccessful, by sorting the issues we cleared drop test in the few attempt. Quick clearing of THE TECHNICAL INSPECTION made the team more confident at the start. On Day 2 we cleared design validation, cost report and business plan and also brake test in few attempts.
On Day 3 almost we done with all dynamic events. on day 4 we took part in hardest event-mudwalker. Mudwalker is to drive quad through a sludge track with mud and water for about 4-5feet height. I have accomplished mudwalker event with the atmost effort of team and best extension of their support. We were proud to say that we are one among the two teams that accomplished the challenge.
At afternoon 2 pm all the 20 quads qualified for endurance are lined up. On the count of 3 2 1 Go! The endurance run have started, all the drivers were pushing hard through the endurance track, as few laps gone almost many quads were down due to technical issues, but we made it to finish line .4 hours of impeccable drive, we had completed the ENDURANCE AS RUNNER UP. We pushed to second place just because of two laps eventhough we won JUDGES CHOICE WINNER AWARD for our efforts and for extending support to other teams throughout the event. And we won OVERALL 4TH position and 2ND IN SOUTH INDIA.