We Built. We Ride. Our Style of Life.

KCT Garage serves as a student skill development center and also acts as a design hub and consultant for custom engineering design projects, it also aids as a fabrication center and assists in the manufacturing of components. We enact as a student motorsports community. We educate and improvise through workshops and internships. We focus on Research and Development and pursues on solving Industrial problems.
We are clusters of engineering and automobile enthusiasts who are willing to work hard to gain practical exposure and find possible solutions for engineering problems.

Our Works


Vehicle Customization:

We have also started working in the field of customization of two wheelers. We can customize the outer aesthetics of the vehicles like headlight, seats, fuel tanks and we can improve the performance of the vehicle for other terrains by altering its stock tires, forks, shocks, shock absorbers, ECU etc… In the near future we are also planning to work in the customization of four wheelers. We are currently in customizing two bikes which are Royal Enfield Classic 500 and Royal Enfield Thunderbird 350

Manufacturing Unit:

We are also acting as a manufacturing unit by providing manufacturing support for all

moto racing teams like Go karting, Supra, Baja etc.… As we are located in a Coimbatore one of the main Industrial hub of India we can convert your design to product by providing CNC Machining services, Laser cutting services, water jet services etc…

Research Work

Research and Development has always been a part of Garage as the students always try to improve and innovate their old projects. In the last academic year, we have produced customized Gear box, customized Universal Joint drive shaft and also held a research on improving the performance of an OEM CVT by reverse engineering and customizing it. In the upcoming year, we are going to concentrate our research work on electric vehicles. Some of the key projects we have finalized to work on are an electric quad bike for the easiness of forest officers and an electric scooter and a customer electric bike.


meet our people

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aliquam. Vivamus non libero tellus. Praesent vestibulum mauris quis mi
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what they say about us

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut tempor congue
aliquam. Vivamus non libero tellus. Praesent vestibulum mauris quis mi
aliquam vitae sodales justo blandit.
