Life into Automations
Oliver Evans , an American writer, and a merchant, one of the greatest inventors of the 18th century developed the world’s first automated production line and the first amphibious vehicle with the help of steam Engines. During his midteens, he apprenticed as a wheelwright in a wagon company. He became a specialist in producing wires used in textile cards. He constructed a machine which used to puncture leather and inserted teeth in it, this increased production to a great extent.
In 1790, using watermills he developed an automatic flour mill based on Roman technology which was capable of grinding, sifting, cooling and packaging. He invented “hopper boy”, a device which evenly spread the gathered meal created a labor-free mill.
Evan started writing pamphlets on construction of Mills and automated design. Later he published his first book The Young Mill-wright and Miller’s guide in 1793. He used his highly pressurized 12 feet wide and 30 feet long engine when he was assigned to design a dredge. He setup wheels to drive 17 ton dredge. In 1805 ,he named it as Oruktor amphibolos ,the first amphibious vehicle .He published The Steam Engineer’s guide and Evan’s diagram of steam valve .Through his contributions in refrigeration he was called as the Grandfather of refrigeration.
He started his Mass works ( 1806 -1812 ) were his inventions are manufactured commercially and used in the production of naval cannons ,wool processing factories and design of radiators .In 1811, Evan with other inventors designed the Pittsburgh steam engine and the most advanced steam engine with straight line linkage called Columbian engine in 1812.
The first viable steam boat in the Mississippi was powered by high pressure Evan’s steam engine. He got patent for all his inventions .He made a revolution in industries of United States through his inventions.